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AU USD $2.582,75
OTCQ: JAGGF $4.01 | TSX: JAG $5.47

Jaguar Mining Dams

Jaguar Mining has four tailings dams in their sites: Turmalina Dam, located in Conceição do Pará / MG, Paciência Dam, in Itabirito / MG, and Moita and RG2W dams, located in Caeté / MG.

Each dam has its own control and monitoring system, scaled according to the specific characteristics of each one. Jaguar Mining trains and maintains internal staff for constant monitoring of the dams conditions, in addition to external professionals hired specifically to advise the team on the care that must be taken in the proper maintenance of the structures.

Special attention is also given to the Dam Safety Plan (PSB), always kept up to date with the regulatory agencies and with the Jaguar team, which participates in training, inspections and simulation, always acting in a preventive way in its management.

Check out the video and learn more about Jaguar Mining dams.


Overview MTL Complex Caeté Complex Paciência Complex Faina Project Onças de Pitangui Project Reserves & Resources Jaguar Mining Dams