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Compliance Program

Ethics and integrity are two intrinsic factors in Jaguar's day-to-day operations. In a business environment where changes happen constantly, it is essential to maintain honesty, transparency and a culture of respect.

Therefore, Jaguar Mining has a COMPLIANCE PROGRAM structured with guidelines to guarantee and maintain the highest standards of ethics and transparency in Jaguar's relationships, whether internal or external, nationally and internationally, with a focus on:

  • Combating corruption and bribery.
  • Strengthen and promote integrity and ethical relationships.
  • Collaborate towards an increasingly fair society.

For a Compliance Program to be maintained in any company, Senior Management Support is essential, after all, they are the ones who have the resources, authority and decision-making power to promote the transformations or actions necessary to implement a culture of compliance. and integrity. At Jaguar, the Compliance Program is promoted and provided by Senior Management, which actively participates and acts in raising awareness throughout the company.

Jaguar establishes a set of procedures and controls with the aim of preventing, detecting, correcting and controlling misconduct that does not comply with the rules, whether legislation, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, internal policies or procedures.

Jaguar prohibits acts of fraud, corruption, bribery or tax evasion, directly or indirectly, embezzlement and/or money laundering, and repudiates any activity, agreement or partnership that may involve illegal practices. It is mandatory to pay attention to the legislation applicable to the business, with emphasis on Law No. 12,846/2013, known as the Anti-Corruption Law or Clean Company Law, FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - USA) and the CFPOA (Canadian Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act ), used as a basis for defining the Jaguar Compliance Program.

All people who work or maintain relationships with Jaguar Mining are directly responsible for the effectiveness of the Compliance Program. Below are some central points:

Board of Directors

Responsible for defining the guidelines to be followed at Jaguar Mining and its subsidiaries, and in all relationships with external audiences, whether third parties, representatives or government agents. Commits to the implementation, development, maintenance and continuous improvement of the Jaguar Compliance Program.

Audit and Risk Committee

Evaluate opinions on Compliance risks, misconduct and non-compliance with Jaguar guidelines. Furthermore, it recommends the disciplinary actions and measures that may be applied; clarifies any doubts regarding the interpretation of internal guidelines, recommending their review, including the Code of Ethics and Conduct; among others.

Compliance Area

Responsible for implementing and ensuring the maintenance of the Compliance Program at Jaguar, fostering an honest and ethical culture in the company in all relationships.

Jaguar Employees, Third Parties and Representatives

Comply with the guidelines established by the company and be a facilitator in maintaining the Compliance culture at Jaguar.

Another important mechanism of the Program is the management of the Code of Ethics and Conduct. Jaguar Mining has a Reporting Channel available to anyone, inside or outside the company, to receive reports of misconduct, which can be anonymous, are safe and free from any retaliation.


Framework Seeds of Sustainability Sustainability Report Communication and Training Voluntary Initiatives Whistleblower Hotline